Saturday, April 18, 2009

Praise God

I was so incredibly humbled today as I heard a beautiful story of God's grace being displayed. Jon and I heard news today that someone our small group had been praying for has accepted Christ! Hearing stories of God drawing people to himself is always utterly amazing to me and I can't help but feel compelled to praise God. Thank you Father!! It puts things in perspective doesn't it?!? It sure does for me.

"If you, O Lord kept a record of sins, O Lord who could stand? But with you their is forgiveness; therefore you are feared."
- Psalm 130:3-4

1 comment:

OurCrazyFarm said...

Praise the Lord!He promised He would not lose a single one, but all that He called would come. How wonderful to be used as a part in that. The angels are rejoicing with you! Terri