We've said tons of goodbyes...
We've been humbled by our friends who sent us out with love and lots of prayers...
With the help of our new church family we moved into a beautiful house.
We have fallen in love with Maysville and the amazing people who have so lovingly welcomed us. Hopefully soon I can actually post some faces but a picture of the church will have to do for now.
This last month has just been crazy! Even though we still have a few piles of boxes still untouched I feel much more settled especially now that the stress of the transition has finally begun to fade. Now the focus has shifted to continuing to get to know everyone (and remember all of their names), prayerfully considering where the Lord desires to lead this community of believers, and wondering how can we reach out to a town where the majority of the people do not attend church.
It took me a while to get my bearings. I struggled to spend time with the Lord daily and certainly felt the stress of having to start over and open up to a whole new group of people. Vulnerability doesn't come quickly for me but God is already beginning to address that. Next week at our Bible study we are talking about community and Biblical community can't happen unless we are real with each other. Good stuff. I have already been so humbled by hearing the heart of my brothers and sisters here as they pray for the community, friends and family around them. This is a group of believers who want to reach out. I am looking forward to seeing God teach us how to truly foster Biblical community as we hold on another accountable, grow deeper in the Lord with a hunger for his Word, a passion for a prayer and a yearning to see this community changed by the truth of the Gospel.
Things are good and I am certain that the Lord has a lot he wants to do in Maysville. We just have to listen and be obedient. Keep us in your prayers!!
It is so exciting to see your dreams and desires being fulfilled by God!
Oh, we are. We are.
Love you and we're so proud of you three!
By the way - I ordered something for you from eBay. I hope it blesses you. :)
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