Saturday, May 9, 2009

Looking Ahead

It has been an overwhelming and frustrating couple of weeks, mainly because I've struggled to cope well with all of the stress. I feel very close to my breaking point (especially tonight). However thanks to a wonderful husband who chooses to show me his love by being honest and holding me accountable...I am reminded I have a lot of wonderful things coming up. So to help cheer myself up a bit here is a list of 10 things I have to look forward to the remainder of the year. These are in no particular order and I'm sure I'm leaving many others out.

#1- Our trip out to California
We fly out to LA for Matthew's graduation and then drive up the coast to San Francisco. It will be about a whole week without any responsibilities or stress from work. Woohoo!!

#2- Just being able to spend more time with my husband.
Now that Jon is out of school for the summer we have an infinite amount of time to devote to each other. It will be nice to have our date nights back, maybe take the puppy to a new class at the Humane Society, and just enjoy Louisville in the summer.

#3- Seeing my family in July!!
They are heading up for a family vacation in Tennessee and Jon and I will be able to drive down there for a couple of days. Unfortunately I don't think my sister Heather and her husband Michael will be able to make it but it will still be nice to finally see my family again. It has been too long!

#4- July 22nd, 2009
Jon and I will celebrate our three year anniversary on that day. It's crazy how time flies.

#5- Enjoying the summer
I can't wait to really have some time to enjoy the sun, swim, lay out, take the puppy to the park etc. I'm gonna soak it up!

#6- Planting our first garden
We have a small section of dirt attached to our patio and we hope to plant a few vegetables. Honestly we hardly have any idea what we're doing but Jon is having a lot of fun reading up on what to plant. We've already bought some onion bulbs and broccoli plants. There are a few other ideas we are throwing around. It will be our pet project for the summer.

#7- Spiritual Growth
God has been teaching and challenging me so much this year and it's only May. I can hardly wait to see where he will bring me by the end of 2009.

#8- The final year!
I can hardly contain my excitement knowing that this will most likely be my last full year of working 3rd shift. I think I've forgotten what it's like to sleep at night.

#9- The Next Step
Sometime in the fall we will begin the daunting and thrilling task of seeking out where the Lord will call us in ministry. Who knows where he will lead us.

#10- Bye bye Southern!!
Jon will graduate from Southern Seminary (December 10th!!!!)

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