Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sunny CA- Part 1

We have finally settled back into our normal routine after an absolutely fabulous vacation out on the west coast. I think we took over 400 pictures while we were out in California so I'll do my best to keep them to a minimum, only showing you the highlights of the trip. It is gonna be a bit hard though.

Well, for those of you who have followed some of my most recent blog posts you know our original reason for going out to CA was for Jon's brother's college graduation from Biola.

Our time in the LA area was filled with graduation festivities, including a cook out, cake and a drive through the city to see the sights (Hollywood Blvd, Kodak Theatre, and Beverly Hills etc). Despite all of the wonderful experiences most the our time in LA was taken up by this...

Don't think I'll be moving to LA any time soon!! Ugh. Anyways, it was such a blessing to spend time with Jon's family and to celebrate this wonderful accomplishment Matthew has achieved. We're proud of him!

After spending three days in the LA area Jon and I set out on our own and took the HUGE rental car up the Pacific Coast Highway. We had heard that this scenic drive was amazing but nothing could have prepared us for what was to come. As our long drive began we saw some beautiful beaches and made numerous stops to take pictures.

The further up the coast we drove the more amazing the scenery became. Soon Jon was navigating the narrow two lane road up the side of a mountain with breathtaking cliffs on the other side. The sights made the long 9 hour drive more than worth it.

Here is a slide show of the pictures we took during the first part of our trip. If you feel like taking a look; go for it. When I get the chance I'll post the next blog about our time in San Francisco! I loved it.

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