Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aunt Kristen

Here are some long awaited pictures from my trip out to Arizona! I thoroughly enjoyed five days with my nephew, sister, brother-in-law and mom. I can't even explain how much I miss holding this little guy and how much this makes me yearn to cuddle our own peanut. Things are still looking great with our pregnancy and with my morning sickness letting up everything looks even better!! :-)

I love how stretched out Caleb is in this picture!!! He looks nice and relaxed.

The Robinson family!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Here is some ridiculousness to enjoy this lovely Monday morning. These two pretty amazing videos are by the band OK GO. I love that these guys don't take themselves too seriously!! Enjoy!

OK Go - Here It Goes Again from OK Go on Vimeo.

OK Go - A Million Ways from OK Go on Vimeo.

If you are interested in more there is a pretty great comparison video of a group of high school boys performing the treadmill video at their school.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My nephew!!!

Handsome little Caleb!!

A dad and his son!!
Caleb and his beautiful momma!!
Congratulations Heather and Michael!!!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A New Addition

I waited anxiously all day until I heard the following words; Caleb Eugene Robinson, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, 20.5 inches long!!! I'm an aunt!!! How crazy is that?!? I hope to post some pictures soon but for now I am so thrilled just to pass along this news. I am blessed to be able to fly out to Arizona in a little over a week to see my nephew in person so without a doubt I will have more than enough pictures to share when I get back.

Meanwhile things have been going well with me. I feel awful that I never post anymore. I don't feel like I have much to share now a days or maybe it's just that I'm so incredibly distracted that I never get around to posting anymore. Jon and I are in a holding pattern while we wait for the Lord's direction concerning ministry but God has been so clear speaking through his word lately. He has been addressing fear and specific sins in my own life all in preparation for the next step in the journey. I'm still plugging away at my Bible reading plan. It's hard to put into words what this past year has been like as I have focused on reading through the entire Bible. I recently finished the Old Testament and am now into the Gospel of John. Aside from reading in the Word Jon and I are still working on a Bible study of Acts and I have another in-depth study I am tackling with some girlfriends. We are wading through the book of I Samuel together and it has been such a challenge. I'm lovin' it. There is just something to be said for being in the Word daily.

As far as pregnancy news goes I'm still battling morning sickness. In fact tonight at work has been pretty miserable but I'm hoping now that I have entered my 2nd trimester the sickness will start to dissipate. Here's to hoping!! Jon and I are heading out this morning to a sale at a local church hoping to pick up some things for our nursery. We spent a few hours yesterday researching and inspecting/playing with items at Baby's R Us (car seat, stroller etc). It's starting!! I have to admit that things still seem pretty surreal. I better get my head in the game, only 6 more months to go!!